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is it really okay? by Redchibi

Tries to send out positive things, try to be nice to people even if they're being jerks (despite being a misanthrope) and try to give people the benefit of the doubt. But...with strangers routinely going out of their way to make you suffer? to try to make you hate yourself and everything about life? Hurting your friends and family... It's bloody impossible. ;c

is it really okay?


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    Jerks are gunna be jerks no matter how nice you act towards them, the best option is to just block them or straight out tell them your feelings. I know you've probably heard this a million times :c

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    Well, from my experiences, sure I have thrown punches, told people off over very small things. All I learned is compassion and kindness is needed, I always give benefit of the doubt, maybe that person had a shitty week and needed a exit, don't get me wrong there are those who find it their life to ruin every moment of yours. Try an be strong give him or her kindness, but make sure to distance from them, I found out the hard way relying on strength an power alone...will make you alone. Try your hardest to keep your head up and smile, just a little extra, message me when ever if you ever want to talk.