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Writing Musings. by Zielregen

Now that I am done with that last comm fic I am going to spend a bit of time taking care of some personal projects. I already have a Claves chapter nearly done and then I am going to knock out an Above Average chapter and officially launch the Patreon. I'm more than a little nervous about the Patreon, but that's a story for another day.

I know not many people read the recent story (The Bigger Man) due to the subject matter, but I was actually very proud of how that one turned out. It was a bit of a new experience for me because the commissioner had the storyline outlined for me before even asking me to take on the project. So I knee exactly what I was working on going into it. Usually I am given a vague plot idea and a list of kinks and,preferred species (in the event of a furry story) and set loose. That works well for short stories, but in larger stories like with The Bigger Man, having a clear focus and guidelines helps a lot. I know that G-T got a little muddy at times because I had a very loose idea of what I wanted with the plot.

I guess what I am trying to say is I am glad I took on that project because it taught me a lot. I want to get to writing novels soon and I'll need a very clear focus to keep the plot running smoothly. I have been saying I'd start one for ages now, and I always balk because I am worried I am not ready or I have too much on my plate. I want to be a professional writer, and as much fun as commissioned five are, I'd have to charge a lot more than I currently do in order to make a living off of them. If I want to make a living at this I'm going to have to nut up and shut up. So I think it's time I did more work on preparing for a novel. I think for now I'll just budget a little time towards storyboarding every night, and when I have a decent feel for the overall plot I'll start writing. This shouldn't affect my comm and smut schedule, but it's definitely something I need to get serious about.

Now I have two rough ideas for a novel, one is a fantasy story with some sci-fi themes, and the other is a sci-fi story with a bit if a fantasy bent. So far I am leaning doing the sci-fi story since I think it can be done in one novel. The other one I'd like to do as a series.

Writing Musings.


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