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A general hello and other info~ by DizzySlime

So, hello everyone! I've taken to being more active on here since the community is nice, and I love the submission system and the site's general layout.

I'm sort of iffy on submitting as much mature stuff as I typically draw, since this seems to be a pretty under 18 art site (as far as pics I've seen goes. People are older than that, I know~), but the ratings options have Mature and Explicit options, so.... 'H'; I will just submit the pictures of mine I've liked most and sort of put everything else in my low detail folder.

Also, I am into my 35th hour on Fire Emblem: Awakening and I feel like such a parent. I chose Frederick as my husband, so we had a cute Morgan as our baby, and a lot of the future female children are weird/scary, so I'm over here being all protective and choosy with my kid, thinking "Who is good enough for my bby >:o" and such, ha hah.

A general hello and other info~


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    There are pleeeenty of Mature and Explicit works on the site, so don't feel iffy on uploading them for that reason at least.

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      Okay, ha hah, good to know. :3 I don't think I make anything that would break rules otherwise, but if I have any doubts I'll be sure to ask! I was certainly surprised to get a response from a mod! Thank you.

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        Please do. It's far easier for us to help proactively than it is to do so after the fact. And yeah, haha, I tend to get around the site a lot. Browsing journals is a nice feature that we have.

        Also, dragon Morgan. :D

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          Aaah I see c: Nah/Morgan is so cute~ They're a good match! Thank you! I'm taking a break from FE to play some Super Mario 3- it's been so long since I played this! >o<