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Why I will never EVER play Call of Duty (SWATTING) by Damagefox

So, You say you like CoD, You love that fast paced shooting game, trolling others. You sit there in the moment and relish in your recent victory with that accomplished grin when all of a Sudden..

CRASH! "POLICE! POLICE! Get on the ground! Get on the ground, NOW!"

Before you even know what hit you, A SWAT officer has you face down on your livingroom floor, Your hands in cuffs and guns pointed at your head!

Cool story Bro, Right? Actually..its true! and Its the LATEST TREND in Call of Duty!
SO what happened?

Well that "squeaker" you detroyed in your last match decided to get you back by finding out your location and Identity, then PRANK CALLING your local Police office claiming to Be You and threatening to do a bunch of horrific crimes. Enough to warrant the Local SWAT team to hunt you down and bust down your door.
Its what the game has degraded into, these little kids who dont like being beaten so "punish" anyone who beats them in a Multiplayer match by prank calling the local SWAT teams on thier opponents after they lose.

It is one reason why I am NEVER going to buy another CoD game. I promise you that.
I was toying with the idea of giving it another shot, But Now...NAH, Not happenin bro!

I cant stand the selfishness and 'all about me" attitude that Call of Duty has nurtured. It infects and destroys other games as well.

So dont ask if I am going to get the next/Latest Call of duty shovelware, this is the biggest reason why my answer will always be "Not in an eternity"

AlphaOmegaSin's Video on the subject

ReviewtechUSA's Video

goes back to headdesk

Why I will never EVER play Call of Duty (SWATTING)


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    really? do they ever realize that they could have ruined someones life that way?

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      Them? realize that? NAH! The person who beat them hurt their precious ego, so they have to go and sick the -actual- swat team on thier opponent. Cuz they are SO PRO like that, y'dig? :p

      Most of these kids they dont care about things like that, they have a heavily inflated ego to protect. So the fact that anyone could outplay them Must NOT go UN-punished.

      I stopped playing CoD because it was repetitive and boring, was tempted to give it another shot. This however shot that notion right out of the water! NEVER playing another CoD game no matter how flashy it looks.

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    i stop playing online because im not the best but now i have a new reason... plus most are pay to win and that pisses me off greatly