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ER UPDATE (long post) by xTaintedRedx

Okay so this has been quite the eventful weekend. If you don't know what happened Friday night, go here:

Okay so Saturday comes along, still feeling like shit but I try to eat something. 2, yes only 2, mozzarella sticks. Few hours later, I throw it up. I try to fall asleep at around 2-3am and I end up tossing and turning in pain until 5-6am with the help of pain medicine.

Sunday, I wake up at 1pm, and I actually start to feel better. I have the achy pain every once in a while, but overall pretty good, until I had to take my medication again. Right as I popped it in my mouth, I ran to the bathroom to throw up again. Came back and decided not to take the antibiotics OR pain medicine. Passed out at around 1am.

TODAY, this morning, I woke up at 5am with excruciating stomach pain and nausea. After an hour of trying to fall asleep, I went to my mom, telling her that I was worried that I havent been able to take any of my medicine, including the heart meds that I NEED to take everyday. I was also worried that I was vomiting so much and couldn't keep any liquids/food down. I was practically staving myself. After I told her that, almost on cue, I ran to the bathroom and threw up again, this time with just stomach acid and what little water I had drank from this morning/the night before.

Mom was fed up with it and called the ER once again, but told us that they wouldnt be able to do anything such as lab work (blood tests) until 9am. So she gave me some Mylanta (a stomach coating medicine, like Pepto) and I tried to get some sleep. Slept for an hour, got up, and felt like I was about to pass out. I felt so weak and dehydrated that I could barely stand. I had to crawl to the bathroom just to brush my teeth.

At about 10am, Mom took me to the ER, where they took a urine test and blood test. The urine analysis showed that I in fact DIDN'T have a UTI. It came back clean. But what really shocked the doctor was how low my potassium level in my blood was. It was a 2.8. A normal potassium level is 3.5-5.1. He quickly put me on an IV with a saline drip with added potassium. I also had to take a potassium tablet, as well as TRY to eat and drink as much as I could.

Now as you can imagine, I'm exhausted at this point. I haven't slept correctly in about 3 days and I haven't had a single bite to eat either. I was feeling pretty shitty. The nurse added some liquid pain meds to my IV and told me it should work in about 20 mins. I laid back in the bed and passed right out. I was so tired. She brought back some cut up apples and ginger ale for me to eat and drink when I got up, but I pretty much slept through my entire bag of fluids.

I woke up an hour or so later feeling SO much better. I had moisture in my mouth again, my stomach wasnt aching as bad. I felt somewhat normal. What really made me happy was that I ate the ENTIRE apple and drank ALL of my ginger ale. WITHOUT VOMITING. I had no problem eating and drinking at the same pace as I have before. I didnt feel dizzy anymore and I could finally walk upright.

So in conclusion, they think I had hypokalemia, which is a fancy word for "low blood potassium". Apparently, if you have low potassium, you can experience muscle cramps, explaining why my back and stomach hurt so bad. You can also get sweating/chills, which I also had. Without low potassium levels being treated, it can lead to serious heart rhythm problems that can be fatal. WHICH IS YA KNOW, ESPECIALLY BAD FOR ME BECAUSE I HAVE A HEART CONDITION.

So I'm really glad that they have figured SOMETHING out. There might be more to it, but they still aren't sure. But until then, I am to take potassium supplements and pains meds, as well as nausea pills. SO HOPEFULLY THIS HELPS?

Sorry for the long post, just letting you all know what's going on. :'3

ER UPDATE (long post)


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    Ah cripes, glad you're at least feeling a little better now. Hope this isn't a chronic thing :s