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Little tibits of life news by foxboyprower

I'm away from college on thanksgiving break.

(Interesting fact: Abraham Lincoln proclaimed that thanksgiving be on the final Thursday of November. Before then, it varied somewhat from state to state.)

It's odd coming home. Every time I'm greeted with cats and dogs running around the place (we have 6 cats and 4 medium sized dogs). My mother decided that the mysterious cat that kept visiting our house now belonged to us. She asked around and people said they didn't know who owned it. So I took Louis to the vet today to get a booster shot.

I'm thinking about buying a couple of hermit crabs to practice having low maintenance pets.

I got bioshock, bioshock 2, and fallout 3 in the mail finally. Unfortunately the bioshock disk has a little scratch and I can't play past a certain point early in the game. I'll have to return it for a refund. So for now I'm playing fallout 3.

We are leaving on a trip to Texas today since my mother has wanted to see a good football game in real life.

I'll try to work on my story as much as I can. I'm close to the end of this chapter.

Little tibits of life news


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