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Quiet Time & Weebly WIP by Fairy

I've been thinking a lot about my art output and how much being online every day totally kills my productivity. Even if I post scarcely, I actually try to draw every day - but while I'm in a mode that I'm posting stuff I can never really focus and I get all disillusioned about how much work I'm actually doing.
From now on I'm thinking of scheduling my submissions so that I can dedicate my brain power to just drawing, rather than partitioning it to grooming my online presence. I guess I just wanted to post this in order to quell any concerns that I'm taking a long time on commissions - I am actually nearly done with this batch and send them off as soon as they're finished to their owners. I simply believe that posting less often will do wonders for me doing more serious, mentally-taxing projects!

This is probably typical to everyone but it's certainly taken me a while to get on board with this sort of process, haha. Here's hoping that the things I produce will be of much greater quality from here on out!

Also, I've created a commission page for my ease of updating recently. It's still a pretty major WIP, and not very personal looking yet, but pretty much all the bare-bones stuff is on there already in case anyone wants to take a look! I took cues from a few others' weebly pages, so I hope it all looks ok. I guess I'll launch it officially at some other time!

Quiet Time & Weebly WIP


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    ur commission page seems 2 just reroute here D:

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      ahh oops i guess i typed the url wrong... it should go there now!

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        ahh yeah there it goes!