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Wasn't really gonna say anything but by insanejoker

Things have been really rough financially (like everyone else on this planet). I'll be moving out of this apartment within a month due to us not being able to pay rent. I've been boosting my resume out to places the past few weeks to studios, trying to get in. Pretty sure none of that is going to happen. It's just how things are with me. Friend who was supposed to recommend me to her studio is MIA online, and I don't want to text her because I think that she's in a heavy production right now. It's been over four months since the recommendation thing happened, despite the job including training for the program as no one had expectations to know it. I went to a networking thing which didn't give much. I met a producer and a guy who was looking for VFX workers for his new production studio, but heard nothing so far. I dunno. Maybe retail is where I'm meant to be? I hate it really. I really do.

B/f basically broke down last night and apologized for all this. Won't go into much detail about that because it was pretty emotional and whatnot. I'm pushing for him to get his website and stuff updated as much as possible right now. He did a good job on that today. It's almost done. His parents said we will have a place to stay if we move back to MI. I can't do that. I don't want to do that. I don't think I can handle going back to depending on everyone to get me to and from work, to go to the store, to lose whatever independence I have now, to be the fucking parent to my siblings all over again. It'd just be me working in goddamn retail earning next to nothing just to pay the stupid student loan, and that's it. No, it cannot be deferred, yes it's consolidated.

I've been trying to learn new programs the past couple of months. It's not easy to do on your own, especially when there's little documentation on the new tools etc. I'm just trying to push myself so hard, which is why my streams and artwork posting has been almost nonexistent. I try to get these things right and show people I'm capable of doing it. I just don't get much of anything back. It's always 'well when you fully learn the program we'll hire you!', which can take months to learn on your own, or they expect 2-5 years experience. Or others have recommended me for jobs but all they want is free office help.
I'm not doing free office help anymore. I'm tired of doing free with nothing in return. Or I'll get stupid jobs like 'omg fix my files for me for 20 bucks', and it's a one time thing. Just done with it. I just want to get back into the fucking production stuff. That's all I want. I want to be able to fucking live for once. I don't even know what that's like. All I do is work. Work. work. work. work. work. I sacrifice my days off for others so they can fucking live. I want to do that for once.

So yea. sorry this is long. I'm sorry if this just another one of those 'i'm broke and gonna lose my home' journals - they exhaust me too. Signal boosting / donations or whatever seriously wouldn't help right now - it's nice but it wouldn't do anything. Rent is expensive. I don't know if I just didn't try hard enough. I don't know if I just don't have the talent or whatever. I don't know if this is even worth it now. It's just a fucking mess and I needed to let it out, the b/f probably can't handle me sharing this with him right now. He's not in the best of states either. So yea. Sorry.

Wasn't really gonna say anything but


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    Oh god, I am so sorry to here about all that. Jesus christ, I know how it is to lose your home. I spent a majority of my teen years moving through houses because my mom couldn't afford to keep a house or she got cheated out of it by a guy she married. This one guy fucked my mom over financially and she has been struggling to stay in a good house ever since then. It's been about eight years and she has only been able to find a small place to live and even now is struggling with money because she's in her 50s so now it's getting extremely difficult to find anyone to hire her. She can't even have a credit card because her name was dragged through the mud by her ex-husband.

    So, I understand how it feels. It's extremely hard. I'm so sorry you have to go through such a hard time. I really am. :(

    I really hope things work out.. I really do. I'll be rooting for you. >_< -hugs-

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      My teen years were the same. Or rather my entire life. It almost is like exactly every 3 years I move. This would be the third year about. My mom also went through something similar :(

      Thank you for the nice words, though :)

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        You're welcome. I know it's nice to know someone understands what you feel. My heart really goes out to you.

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    Ohhh boy. I've been in this situation twice already. It's not an easy situation to be in and going back to live with people who treat you like that is another thing. I've done it too and it was hard to bite the bullet. Taking care of your siblings as well as working full time (sometimes longer) can be a pain and physically draining where you don't have time to do the things you love to do. Like creating.
    I hope you have a place to go to. Rent IS very expensive. Everywhere. Sometimes it seems as though the money you make is never enough for the housing you need to pay for. Sometimes rent is all you have enough for and nothing else like food or other means of basic survival. (I'm kind of stuck in this situation myself... but with my own dependant which isn't easy)
    It sucks your friend went MIA. Could be because they're busy. It's hard but I'd try and contact that friend. She'll get back to you when she's not crazy busy but as a friend, she'd understand that your living situation is in need of some form of help.
    Sometimes when we're grasping at straws there's only one straw to grasp.
    I hope you're able to get out of this situation faster then breaking down and going back to MI. :(

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      Yea, the two are older now but constantly fight. I'm on the other side of the country and they still call me to fix it. I dunno if it's cause I'm the oldest or what. Bleh.

      We do have options to stay at in MI, I just don't want to go back. It's a dying state, it's full of idiotic right wingers who hate gay marriage and women's rights, it's full of stupid racists and close-minded assholes. It's depressing to drive down the street and see nothing but empty buildings. And yea, my friend is busy. She works at a major animation studio and I know they had a short they were working on, and at the time they weren't in overdrive to get it done, but they probably are now, hence her being MIA. I lived with her for two years so I'm pretty sure I didn't somehow offend her (not that there was anything to offend with). Actually just checked her facebook and she may have been in the process of moving XD Or I mistook the city she originally lived in.

      I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping one of these studios calls back, even if it's just an internship. I know I don't have any "professional" work, but I at least have experience in the film industry because of my last job. And it hasn't been too long since I quit it. So. Yea. I just want to stay here.

      Thank you for the kind words

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        I get that a lot. Especially from the two youngest who constantly fight and bicker. If you ever figure out why they need to tell big sibling about their problems with one another, let me know LOL. I'm the eldest of 4 so I get that a lot (I'm also on the other side of the country so I get a lot of it on facebook since ol Grimmies won't give them their phone number hahahaha)

        Urgh I hate people like that and from my experiences in MI, I didn't like it there either (even though it was short lived). People kept trying to run me over. Horrible place. Right wingers would explain everything from my short experience there.
        Ah! Animation! That makes a ton of sense. It's a really busy no sleep kinda job. (though I love doing 2D animation and I love doing in-betweens). Oh yikes! Sometimes we forget these things so it's admissible.

        Oh geez! I sure hope they do too. Any idea where you might end up next? If you get an internship job working for one of the places you applied for, will you be allowed to pay rent late? (there's probably a late fee or late interest rate... that's how it is in Canada... I have no idea about the US so I have no idea what I'm talkin about really) Urgh. Just hope you get out alright. Being stuck in that kind of situation is scary. It doesn't matter how many times it happens either. You feel hopeless. I just wish there was a quick way for you to get out of this.

        You're very welcome. If I could change words into monies, it'd be so much more helpful for you (and I), right now. :/

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          Yea, MI people are stupid. I always felt like I had to walk on eggshells with my personal views or prepare for someone to be a douche. It's just. Meh. It's more 3D animation / visual effects and the like, so there's supposed to be a higher demand for it right now, but you know how America is. They don't want to pay anyone to work.

          Even if I got the internship, it wouldn't be for pay. I'd have to move out regardless to a much cheaper place or something like an extended stay hotel. Like we can't put anything towards this place at all right now. I don't get paid again until next Friday, and it won't even be enough. I'm sure I'll be alright, just gotta figure things out really.

          I wish words could change into monies too lolol

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            Oh there's a higher demand for 3D everywhere. The only place I was told while in college that still does 2D is Japan. And no gaijin is gettin work done there. Pffff.
            And isn't that the truth. Especially when it's the arts. They want base pay or nothing at all and without medical benefits. I don't know what artists just don't all get together, form a business with a practicum and force people to pay them right or their union goes viral. If prostitutes can have a home business artists can too. Just sayin.

            Ahhhhh I really hope so. It sucks to be in such a position. I've had to move into 5 different homes since 2011... roommate to roommate... it gets crazy. All because rent is too high for one person. That's just the rent too. Not including food, electric, hot water, etc. Living is expensive. Well I'm hoping to the gods that things turn out ok for you. It's a scary endeavor to come across. It just shows how much our economy is struggling too when there are so few jobs.

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              Yea, I'm hoping too. Really reallly hoping. Thank you D: