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Pluto by TwelveWounds

Hey what's up guys?
Been pretty blegh these days and kind of stuck on a really big trade.
Thankfully I had some help and I can now (probably) go onto the next step.

Also going to be working on my comic pages until the end of this month.

Cat's running out of food since I've had to feed him more to keep him quiet while the roommate is sleeping.
So I need to work to buy him another bag of Purina Cat Chow (the only shit he doesn't throw up, and I've bought him $25 bags of science diet food, IAMS, you name it... he's picky and a glutton and he screams if he doesn't have his pig trough)

Anyway... urgh. Going to be a crazy month. I'm gonna be so dead.

Oh hey! Andydot talked about this place and it's dragons. So... I love dragons XD how can I not want to play there for a bit.
My Pet (for shitsngiggles):


His picture needs to be in my journal. His name does not do him justice. :(



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    Oh god, I'm sorry to hear you're having a hard time. That's not good. :(

    -Hugs- I wish you the best and I wish I could help out. :c

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      Damn cat. Well hopefully I can somehow manage just feeding him meats and fish until payday. flops about

      Bah no worries. I've closed commissions off from here. I just need to somehow do some temp work somewhere for two days and I'll be fine.