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Practical Chinese pharmacists by DeRiften

I want weekend to be here already, lol. I know I've had a three days long weekend that made me more than fully rested but I'm already feeling exhausted and it's all because of my neck; something's been fucked about it for I think a week now and it's causing me way more pain than what I usually get. I'll try and take an appointment with a nearby massage therapist tomorrow so I can get that fixed, hopefully the appointment is soon. Other than that, today went relatively well. I did maths homework and exercises all morning, went to class, learned more complicated and mostly useless stuff, got more homework and exercises to do and boom, two hours break till practical class. I went to get Chinese since I hadn't had time to make supper because of homework. I got spinach chicken & rice with peanut sauce and hot dang was it delicious; only downside I can think of is that the spinach was dried spinach flakes that came in a bag, not fresh spinach that was cooked with the rice. Now that there is a huge disappointment since it would have been way more delicious if it was; the dried spinach flakes didn't even taste like anything and just crumbled into dust when I looked at them. Oh well, the peanut sauce more than made up for it and it was still worth the low price. Around that time though, I had developed a pretty heavy migraine so I couldn't work on anything. I just idly played Final Fantasy II on PSP till the next class, only to find out we were working on that one lab I had already finished so by 6:30pm, I was back home. As soon as I got back, I finally tested out my new back pills, along with two tylenols to calm the migraine (don't worry, I asked the pharmacist and he said it was safe to mix the pills with tylenols) and whoo boy does it work. It didn't even take an hour and all my pains were gone, but the downside is that it made me drowsy and I couldn't focus at all. I tried playing games but I couldn't do anything right so I resorted to watching random stuff all evening. I tried looking for a new anime to watch, to no avail. I watched a few new YouTube videos but all good must come to an end and I ran outta videos to watch. Then around 10:00pm the electricity ran out so it was literally pitchblack; it didn't make a difference whether I had my eyes opened or not. I stumbled through the dark to a window to see if it was just my building and everything seemed fine elsewhere, so I contemplated going to bed early since I had nothing else to do anyway and I was still drowsy, when the lights came back on about 5 minutes later. Didn't help me much though, since I still didn't know what to do, so I just rewatched some old videos I'd seen thousands of times before.

Yeah, next time I'll try just the back pills to see if they're the ones that make me drowsy and brainless or if it's the muscle relaxant/tylenols mix that does it, but for now I'm gonna go collapse; I've also been getting heat flashes so I get the feeling I'll have trouble sleeping tonight, despite the drowsiness.

Practical Chinese pharmacists


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