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the scent of spring by Geisteskrank

Dude, it was like 60 degrees out yesterday. And this temperature trend seems fairly steady according to forecasts, now.

Breathing the air outside.. you could feel the warmth and humidity in your nose. It had just rained, and I stepped outside when my sister was heading out with her fiance.
THIS was the first day of spring, y'all.
You can smell the plants waking up, even if you can't see it yet.
I'll be keeping an eye on the trees and plants for buds, now. That's my favorite part of spring.. watching the plantlife wake back up and tracking its growth over the days and weeks.
It's funny.. I can remember a long time ago, my dad saying about all the trees with all their leaves full grown at the beginning of summer: "It's hard to believe the trees were bare only a couple weeks ago."
Some years, it seriously only takes a week or two for all the leaves to go FWOOMP--fullgrown. lol. I love it. Seems slower this year, but that's ok. It's coming.
Every year around this time, I can feel my soul cracking through the hardened outer shell of seasonal depression. Like a butterfly breaking out of its old, imprisoning chrysalis. Breathing the warming air expands my wings and they spread into the sun.
(I am a cheesemaster ohohoho)
I can hear birds singing already. It's the best sound. Chirpy trills of starlings sparkle in my brain synaesthetically... little golden sparks on the black background of pre-dawn.

I'm coming back to life.
Can't wait for summer.

the scent of spring


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    You're just like me.
    The changing of the seasons is the only change I am not afraid of. (I have a serious fear of change.)
    I even welcome tornados. Bring it on!

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      :] Change can be an overwhelming thing, indeed..
      Seasonal depression makes the change from warm weather to cold bum me right out.
      The warming back up of nature and the freedom to frolick in the sun is like medicine for meeeEeE lol.
      Tornadoes are pretty scary. O_O;; Even though they're "not supposed to happen" where I live, we've had a couple in recent years. Pretty wacky!
      I do loooove thunder storms, though.

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    (Weasyl wont let me reply to your comment above -_-)

    Yeah, I always get upset about winter. However, the change of warm air to sudden crisp cold air gets me happy, too, for some reason.
    We had a bunch of tornados last year. I, for some reason, love the real life thrill of a dangerous threat. xD (Wow, Hannah, that's seriously messed up.. o.o)
    And I loooooove thunderstorms!

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      that's ok. :o
      The one interesting part about the cold is snow.. otherwise I retreat into my coccoon. :p
      I can totally understand.. that's why I like T-storms, even though sometimes I'm scared of them too. :B lol.

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    Haha, me too! we don't have electric heating in my house so my room was always just barely 40 degrees in the winter. D8 Needless to say, I slept in the living room by the fireplace. Along with all six of my other family members. xD
    And, yeah, they scare me, but that's why I like them. I'm messed up like that.

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      Chilly. :o Sounds like a cozy solution, though. :D

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    Yeah, it definitely is! :D