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Never mind about the pigeon. by LarkspurDragon

I went to check on Penny just now and she was sprawled out on the floor of the crate. I hope she's somewhere she can fly forever and eat as many sunflower seeds as she wants.

So I guess I don't need advice any more.

Never mind about the pigeon.


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    From your last post I would have guessed internal injuries or a possible broken wing, since she couldn't get to food she probably was starving and dehydrated by the time you found her. At least she got to pass somewhere quiet and safe. <3

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      One of the mods on the pigeon forum suspected she was eggbound, which doesn't bode well. I did feel a slight swelling in that area but I'm not familiar enough with pigeon anatomy to know for sure. And I'm sure she was starving; her keel was very sharp but hey, hope springs eternal.

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        She might of been and that would cause her not to eat as well.

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    Sorry to hear that you couldn't save her. It sounded to me like you were doing everything you could: water, food, heat source, and hope. If she was letting you pick her up and hold her she was probably pretty far gone, but easing a wild thing's passing is also a kindness.