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T-shirt design by SirMeo

I want a t-shirt.
I want a specific kind of t-shirt and I have troubles finding one.
I want H.P. Lovecraft t-shirt. No, I don't want Cthulhu-mythos t-shirt, I want a shirt with mr. Lovecraft on it. I want the picture to be based off on this photo.

Easy task, right?? The internet must be FULL of pictures of mr. Lovecraft, being so well-known figure in horror fiction...
It turns out that that is not the case.
I have no idea why this surprises me.

So I find one t-shirt I like. The seller is a German site that might not even ship aboard, and the shirt is sold out anyway. Fuck.
So I find another shirt I... at least tolerate. Seller doesn't ship outside US. Fuck.
I find another shirt that is kind of what I'm looking for but while the picture is ok the design looks more like someone printed a random picture on t-shirt instead of like... cohesive t-shirt design? It's okay as a picture but imho doesn't flow well on a shirt.
Yet another picture has a good design but the man doesn't look like himself, and if I'm going to buy a shirt with a picture of an actual person on it, the picture could at least bear resemblance to the person! I'm sad because I really did like the design, just that Lovecraft wasn't too recognizable.

It's hard when you're this picky, but what can you do?
I've been thinking of doing a t-shirt design myself and getting it printed out, unless I miraculously find a shirt design I like. I don't want the design to be too complex or hard to read from afar. If there is text it should either be his name or "I am Providence" (Lovecraft loved his flowery language so that is probably the most simple quote you can find from him :P) or his signature. I love simple, striking things. I don't want humor. I don't want innsmouth look even if that is a clever allusion. I just want his face on a t-shirt.
That shouldn't be too much to ask, hm?

I don't know anything about t-shirt designing myself, and as I said. Does anyone have tips or resources for this? Or, maybe, a good shirt suggestion?

(and while I said no humor shirts, I think this picture (drawn by the man himself) of Lovecraft getting buried in letters is a cute thing too)

T-shirt design


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