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Bit Quiet by sarkeset

It might be a bit strange for me to post this here, but as I look around galleries and try to figure my way around the search engine I'm left wondering why I made my account here. This not being helped by finding the journal system seems to enjoy erasing my text if I forget something.

I've added several people to my watch/friend's lists but I notice that I don't exactly have a stable inbox because of it. I get flooded with the transitions from FA, but once those are all said and done I don't see much here. There are plenty of people I lurk-watch on FA that I haven't found here, some who have gone dark maybe just vanishing without saying, but I don't know.

Whatever the case my mind isn't the most logical at the moment, and I'm wondering as I look at the search and see results from a week ago, if I just don't understand the search system after reading the guides for it, or if people are setting their submissions to friends only or some such, but it seems like there isn't much new content coming in at least from the perspective of someone who's been a watcher rather than a contributor for so long.

FA seems a bit dead to my watch/ lurking as well so it could just be that there's a lull in submissions, but I'm just thinking it funny when one considers the exclusive posters migrating because they felt they had to migrate because 'the community' did. As always I'll probably stick to deviantart for the most part outside watching, maybe characters will end up here, but given I tend to have hundreds of character ideas in a week with little to no interest to develop them further, let alone give crappy doodles of my own to them, I don't know what exactly I should do with my character idea flood. I could post them here given there's a character section, or I could just organize my hundreds of character ideas on Deviantart directly into a folder for the randomness, could cross post, could just continue on as I've been doing and post nothing and let them rest in my own mind unless others enquire when I toss out the core premise of whatever random idea comes to mind... that being said I think I've got all of one watcher here so this is mostly my talking to myself I suppose.

Update: I guess what I'm thinking is that it's just annoying to keep track when you keep seeing huge uploads of works that had been posted before as galleries move and so very few exclusives. In the ideal world there would be one site, in a less ideal but still 'out there' world there would be some 3rd party site that would find and watch all the sites the people you watch post to while filtering out the reposts. Sadly neither of those are ever going to be likely, so I suppose this rant can be ignored.

Bit Quiet


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