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Whining About Dragons. by Misplaced

Anyone play FlightRising? Apparently they are finally going to have a registration window open soon. I keep missing it because I forget/in class/whatever. I've been pining for an account for awhile, and the fact that it's unattainable just makes it all the more desirable.

So! I'm a bit undecided about what flight to join. I'm split between Lightning, Wind, and Shadow. I really want the right one because the competition between flights is what makes it different, at least to me, from other pet sites.

I like Lightning because of this description(from the wiki):"Of all the dragons, lightning dragons are the most ambitious, changing the world to adapt to them, rather than adapting to the world." I value those things. I'm not sure if I'm science-y enough to enjoy it. I like science fine but it's not my passion. From looking at the forum it seems people there are really organized and meticulous and do spreadsheets and... I'm not that.

I'm considering Wind because it seems to be where creative people go. However, Wind members talk about how difficult dominance can be. I want to work with people who care about that because I can see myself being competitive with dominance.

Shadow is appealing because I see them as counter-culture sort of dragons, if any of them had to play that role. I also really love their region and eyes. I guess 'trickster' fits part of my personality, more like joke-ster.

Also I go between liking and not liking Arcane.

Soooo I kinda want to know why anyone who plays chose their flight. And hey, maybe you can convert me.

Whining About Dragons.


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  • Link

    this is the first time i've heard of Flight Rising. is this like neopets but with dragons?

    • Link

      Heck no, neopets is garbage. :P

    • Link

      What Briarwood said! Some people focus on breeding, some collecting stuff, some on winning dominance. The art is pretty good, the dragons look great.

  • Link

    flails i wanna join it now DX

  • Link

    I'm in Light. Picked it for the lore and elemental appeal. It's a nice sized flight (not too big, not too small) and quiet/chill, not big on dominance but we can get it when we work at it. If I had to move somewhere else, I'd go to Plague, but I don't see myself leaving anytime soon.

    Keep in mind that your flight affects your dragons' eye color, if that matters to you! It's a nice bonus for me since pale Light eyes go so well with the warm-colored dragons I breed.

    • Link

      I was considering Light for the scholarly aspect, however they seem to hold logic above all else, emotional intelligence is important to me. It sounds really nice though, I've only heard good things about Light.
      Eye color it doesn't matter, though I would prefer some over others. Light is actually my favorite eye color. I'll have to check out your cave later, warm colors are the best.

      • Link

        Arcane's always felt like a more spiritual version of Light to me, I hear they're a mess with dominance though.

        mah dergs~

        • Link

          Yeah I like the 'dreamy' aspect of arcane but I'm not sure about the dominance thing.
          Aww look at them all. They're so pretty with the warm inviting colors. I never knew red speckle looked so awesome.

  • Link

    There is just ideas of a window opening ;u; They are trying hard to get it there though!! (maybe next month?)

    Anyway. I was originally Fire, because it is one of my favorite elements, but I changed to Ice because I felt like I would fit there better. (And I like the white eyes ;u; )

    • Link

      I'm hoping they'll announce when soon.
      That's interesting you went opposite, hot to cold. Why does ice fit you better? (besides their nice eyes.)

      • Link

        Just the little personality thing stated on the map. XD And I have always loved the Ice power.