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TMI Tuesday! by cat_named_fish

Ask me your questions!

Also, here's a question for you: I know that baby porn and child porn is banned here (as far as I'm aware) but what is your opinion of art related to horny teenagers? Yes, no, depends? Explain your reasoning!

TMI Tuesday!


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    My question: What is the single weirdest (If not - one of the) weirdest thing you've ever seen on the internet? It can be fun, disturbing, confusing, NSFW, etc...but just the type of thing that will make you go "What...the....".

    As for your question: I have a tendency to reject anything that's expressively too young (Children, young teenagers, etc...) or that's visually too close to something of the sort. It's personally too disturbing for me, and one of the limits to what I'll watch. When it comes to teenagers...well, I'm not as bothered - I think I've seen one or two images containing a situation with teenagers, but it honestly didn't matter. Teens are more "mature" and have a more defined sexuality (As well as a better comprehension of it) so to me it's relatively ok - even if it's not the type of content I will seek usually. I think it's also good to consider that I still am young, so this could be an explanation as to why I don't outright reject material containing teens. So I am ok with it, even if it's not my "kick".

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      the weirdest thing... oh boy.... I may have to think about that. It's probably some weird kink that I accidentally stumbled crossed and then forgot for my own sanity's sake XD

      But thank you for your feedback :)