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Depressive thoughts go away please >.< by Tang

Descriptive Philosophical Rant: Continue at your own discretion.

Why do we settle? Is it because of our repeated failures? Or our realization that the majority of us are doomed to nothing more then a life of mediocrity? I entered college thinking I'd make a difference in this world, that as a thinker and a scholar, of theoretical physics I could advance humanity. As my aptitude for the subject was apparently not as up to the challenge as I was I shifted to a Microbiology major. Thinking perhaps unlocking various genetic sequence could help further advance our concept of humanity and our brethren. I now don't want to do that either realizing I'd have to sacrifice so much of my time to maybe develop a single new groundbreaking theorem. I now just want to leave college and get a job and live a life where my job is minimal. I'm not sure if it's because of niches, or depression and loss of motivation.

We all hit our realized niche when we're children. You dream of becoming president at one point or another in your childhood, to change the world in a way no one else dream of brighter skies, and broader horizons. Then when the day comes that you realize you can't do these throw away your initial dreams ad settle for something more realistic. If a time comes in your adolescence where it becomes exceedingly hard to do what you've settled for, you'll settle again, and this cycle perpetuates itself.

I've lost my motivation to become a geneticist, and to even get a masters in genetics, or anything beyond a BS in microbiology. We go to school to learn to get a job to work until we die. As my high school Substitute teacher once put it "Life sucks and then you die" I'm just wondering when I get to ENJOY life...or what the point of living even is anymore....

Depressive thoughts go away please >.<


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    I entered college thinking I'd make a difference in this world

    Me too... me too. I thought I'd be surrounded by individuals wanting to come together for higher learning and great causes, but really it was just a day care for spoiled, rich kids. I didn't even walk at my graduation, I was so disillusioned. I was, however, able to sort of achieve my dream while I was in college, which turned out to not be as dreamy as I thought it would be. Another kick in the nuts for me. ~.~ You're totally right, though; my current goal is to just find a stable life somewhere, find someone to share some happiness with, and try to live out a peaceful life. The world doesn't want or need my brand of change, and I can't force it to... I lack both the insane drive and the tangible resources to achieve those things. Life's not fair, but you can compromise with it at least. Sometimes.

    And even if you do everything right, life still may just spit in your face and laugh, lol. Life's painful, but there are some things worth living for... in a twisted way, being alive to feel joy and pain (even if it's most of the latter) is kind of an amazing thing to be experiencing.