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Neko hates school by bassclarineko

Take my advice:

Don't go to college just because everyone else is. Go unless you really NEED to go and don't just waste time and figure out what it is you want to if your money depends on it.

And then don't go to Grad school just for the hell of it or because someone told you to.

If your degree is not making money for you then it just a piece of paper.

In other words, I cannot wait to leave Grad school because I am never going back to college AGAIN! ARRRGHGHGHURHGRUGHGRURHGEURHGEURHGURHG!

Neko hates school


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    I know the feeling. Familial pressure on finishing my original degree wasted many years of my life ;n;

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      I am just so ready to be done with school in general. It's not doing much for me as far as helping me financially. Of course, I should get a Doctorate especially since my field is Music, but you get to a point where you are just physically and mentally exhausted and that you don't have the money to support yourself. The next person that tells me go back to school is gonna get slapped. LOL

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    Oh yeah. I made that mistake. I'm suffering with it right about now. I'm pretty sure my degree in Fine Arts is going to do squat for me unless I move to somewhere rich in museums so I can be a clerk of some sort, in the end, a nobody that makes barely above the minimun budget.

    But yes, that feel, man, that feel. This is what I'll do with my degree, I'll wave it at tattoo shops and one will eventually hire me, but who knows? LOL.

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    I wish I could like this journal.