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Critique Feature: Now With Consequences! by axel

I decided I'm going to impart artistic advice and critique things that show up on the main page as "critique wanted".

Besides trying to offer my services to the community and help artists get better, I get the feeling that some people are just trying to use it to keep their stuff on there, without really wanting someone to go in and detail where they need work.

Critique Feature: Now With Consequences!


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    Fantastic! I haven't seen too many constructive critiques (or any at all, really) on a majority of the submissions flagged for it. I really like that feature for that purpose. I, too, fear that people are trying to exploit it for exposure though. GO GET 'EM.

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    I set "critique wanted" on all of my pieces, because I think it's an artist's obligation to learn however they can, including from feedback.

    Have fun with the crits.

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    You go girl!

    Go hard on them! If you're asking for critique you shouldn't be expecting any sugar coating!

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    I'm keeping "You need to go back to the basics - I really recommend The New Drawing from the Right Side of the Brain as a good introduction to art" as a permanent copypaste thing.