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Ursa Major nomination by chipotle

I'm very happy to say that Indigo Rain made the Ursa Major ballot this year!

If you haven't read it, "Indigo Rain" is a novella in FurPlanet's CupCakes line. It's got a bit of fantasy, a lot of suspense, and a helping of romance.

Roulette, a young raccoon dancer, dreams of moving to Ranea's capital city-state and marrying into a better life. But a horrifying encounter plunges her into a momentous political struggle--one that will turn tragically violent unless she and her companions can stop the mysterious Brothers of Atasos. And as if things weren't complicated enough, Roulette may be falling in love with an activist who's as far from her dream husband as she could get.

There's a free two-part preview:

You can purchase it from several online stores in both print and ebook:

And, of course, if you like it, please cast your vote in the Ursas. There's a lot of other good stuff nominated this year, from several works by Mary (Otters in Space) Lowd to the Hugo-winning Digger omnibus by Ursula Vernon. (The first issue of Claw & Quill was also nominated, which is immensely flattering, but I'd really like to get the damned second issue out. I didn't know it was going to be a biannual. Mea culpa. As long as it doesn't turn into a biennial.)

Ursa Major nomination


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