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Frig, a Walf in Atlanta meme by Ry Roo

Where are you staying?
The Westin, apparently!

What day are you getting there?
Friday night

How are you traveling?
Driving down the east coast with some guy named this is my boyfriend ace-dog and also palace

Who will you be rooming with?
Some cat smudgedcat and dumb monstr palace

How is the best way to find you?
Tweet at me at @ecstaticforsure or text me

Are there any panels you might be attending?
I usually don't go to panels, but maybe the dance comp stuff!

What do you look like? but with conbadges all over me

Will you be suiting?
I don't have a suit, but if I have the chance to borrow one it'd be rad as heck

Do you do free art?
Man that's real rude to ask, list of questions I copypasted from someone else's journal

Do you do trades?
What I'm trying to say is

Do you do badges?
I don't do art

What is your gender?

How tall are you?
5'11" I'll have ace-dog and palace towering over me anyway

Can I talk to you?
How dare you I mean yes

Can I touch you?
Hugs are okay, probably don't go beyond that

How can I find you?
Tweets 'n texts

Can I visit your room?
I dunno if I invite you yes!

Can I buy you drinks?
That's awfully nice of you, I would probably accept, although I have plenty of booze of my own for this con :V

Can I give you stuff?
Umm I don't know why you would but

Can I hug or snuggle with you?
Hugs are fine, snugs are reserved

Are you nice?
I will probably be a friendly approachable person if you are a friendly approachable person

How long are you going?

Do you have an artist table?
I don't do art, and I don't have any funny responses to art-related questions what if I just deleted this one would anyone notice

Will you be going to parties?
Maybe! I get really "see what happens" with cons so I don't have any explicit plans for parties, but if they happen I'm cool with that!

Will you be performing?
If I can find a piano at the con I will jam out on it

If I see you, how should I get your attention?
"Hey idiot nerd" is the only thing I will respond to

Where will you be most of the time during the day/s?
Probably wandering and hanging out with ace-dog and probably also smudgedcat and palace and wherever the con takes me

What/where will you be eating?
I'm probably going to bring a bunch of food to eat to the hotel room then end up eating out anyway

Can I come with you for food/fun/etc?
Depends on the situation! Ask at the time I suppose

Can I take your picture?
I'm wicked camera shy but if you really want?

What's your goal(s) for the con this year?
Gonna spend some quality time with the boyfriendog and also hang with good friends/meet new people and twitter buds I haven't met in person

Frig, a Walf in Atlanta meme

Ry Roo

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