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UI interaction preferences/changes by Spottycat

Art Notices: I would like to be able to interact with `all` artistic submissions in one go rather than having to go to multiple sections to delete all entries in each of them individually. Some way to clear images from the initial art page would be nice alternatively. I don't want to have to enter every subsection just to remove notices, it's additional page switching that feels bad/slow despite offering the separation of art types.

Streaming Notices:

I would like to see this removed from profile settings and established as a submission type similar to a journal (icon of a movie camera maybe?), in which the user defines a block of time (increments of 15 minutes) in which they will be streaming, up to 6 hours, but no more than. Field types: Title, Content Type, Rating, Additional Information. :: Amend the rules to discourage/disallow art/image posting for purposes of notifying about a stream in order to promote people using proper notification tools which the site can track and advertise on the front page.

If streaming is set up as a submission type, have the notices in people's notifications remove themselves should a block of time already be expired, so it doesn't even bother them about a stream which has already ended.

Right now, having it buried in the profile settings simply encourages misinformation about whether somebody is actually streaming, and the front page ends up being highly inaccurate about actual streams.

UI interaction preferences/changes


Journal Information



  • Link

    I agree on all of that. I also wish some of the profile/commission pages were easier to edit. Scores of text fields and drop downs seem like they over complicate things.