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Activity~~ by pomchi

When your watching an artist what do you appreciate more
a// when they actively submit art
b// when they actively interact with their watchers/followers

I'm just wondering what keeps you guys coming back to certain artists
Does it bother you when the artist is putting out too many journals?



Journal Information



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    Both are nice, tbh, but I tend to prefer art over journals. Although I like it when artists interact with commenters a bit.

    Journals can easily be skipped, but it can get quite annoying when artists spam "Commission Me!" journals multiple times a day. I will say I've only ever unwatched two people because of journal spam, and that's because they posted frequently about how much their art sucked and being rude to their watchers and commissioners in general.

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      oh wow, that sounds pretty annoying >:
      I mean every artists has moments where they need to vent, but not all the times..

      I've unwatched people because I got spammed with art? ; u ;
      I felt so bad, but I'm not talking about quality art
      it was like 50+ submissions of doodles
      I don't think they heard of scrap category or sketch dumps = - =;;
      I also didn't get why some people found it significant to submit pieces where it said "STREAMING NOW" and then a link to their stream in the descriptions, THERE ARE JOURNALS FOR CHRIST SAKE!

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    When an artist doesn't interact w/ their followers I go back to thinking that the person I'm watching is actually a computer, like I did when I was a kid LMFAO....

    I think I prefer interaction. They could post 50 drawings a week and not say a word, and that's fine! But if they respond to my comments/other people's comments, I'll remember that they're a breathing human being and I'll wonder how they're doing every now and then. But then again, it can get kind of annoying when all their journals are constantly the same thing (commission openings, hiatus, livestreams, thank you and apologies)

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      haha hey I used to think there were little people in my tv ヾ(@゜∇゜@)ノ

      I watch so many people where their journals are all about commissions and livestreams = u =;;;
      then the occasional question about what adoptions they should make next otl
      I dunno it's like other then business they don't know what to talk about, I like getting to know my watchers/followers
      it's rather interesting to see what types of people notice my work and what they like about it
      that's why I'm even so active on here, because on my DA aside from my friends no one bothers to reply to my journals

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        aksldf LMAOOO litle people in tv thats awfully cute ..

        But ye I agree w/ you, looking thru journals can be kind of boring. especially when most of them are just business-related. whispers i skip over 90% of the journals i get in my inbox anyway i am a bad inactive watcher
        LMAO it's actually the uh
        complete opposite for me! on dA I get comments from my followers instead of my friends, since we usually just talk all the time on skype???

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    both. i watch them for their art because i like their art! so of course i wanna see a lot of art
    and i love artists who interact with their followers too
    i can understand it can sometimes be a hefty job if you're very popular, i can understand not being able to reply to every comment
    but i follow some artists who only log in to upload something and log out, no interaction at all, its kind of offputting and can even make them seem stuck up

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      busy bee artists haha
      though you should always find time - sometimes - even if only once a month, to reply to something = u =;
      I can see why they would seem stuck up, but then I guess eh, why do you upload your work if you don't want to interact?
      ( •᷄ὤ•᷅)?