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The Hero's Guide to ESO... I WANT! ;_; Please read~? by Chiroina

I was gonna say that I'm on the edge of making a post trying to bribe someone into
giving me the money to buy this, but then I realized I already had written it. So, yeah.

But seriously. This is just amazing. I've always been into every kinda art books and they're making ONLY 10'000 OF THESE.
Not to mention all the lore and other stuff that comes in it, too.
I'm dying here. ;____; Like, feck. I friggin' need this. ;^;

I'm willing to wrap up a deal of five fully shaded pictures with full BGs, up to six persons per picture.
Or fully shaded pictures w/o BGs so that one fully shaded picture with BG equals two fully shaded pictures w/o BG.
Or flat colored pictures so that one fully shaded picture w/o BG equals two flat colored pictures.
Or linearts so that one flat colored picture equals two linearts.

The Hero's Guide with shipping is $155 (USD).
The art I offer would be worth $350* with my current prices.
*Five fully shaded pictures with full BG and two persons in them.

You'd be free to wrap up a package of whatever you like from those. You wouldn't even need to get ideas for
all pictures right away because you'd have a lifetime to redeem all the pictures you like, so no rush!

And even if I was too late in purchasing the Hero's Guide, this deal would still stand.

We all have something we'd literally drool over, this is one of those rare things for me♥

Please, if you can't/won't help me get this, I'd really appreciate if you put the word goin' around a bit~ <'3

The Hero's Guide to ESO... I WANT! ;_; Please read~?


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