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Why even still show the art if... [depressed] by Seiokou

....they've "ignored" you? I tried faving something from one of my friends, or atleast I thought they were, then again they never talked to me and were kinda bitter towards me often when I hadn't really done anything wrong, so far as I knew... ANYWAY, I guess they blacklisted/ignored me after I made a mistake out of an assumption that was way more offensive than I ever imagined it could be, and now instead of passively getting the cold shoulder, I'm permanently getting the cold shoulder. I even recently drew them something to be sweet, especially because they've been really under the weather and stressed recently, but I guess doing sweet things isn't enough for friends to stay friends or believe you're generally a kind person. Even when I was afraid they were being bitter with me, I just continued to stay sweet and just ignore it, assuming it was just out of stress or something. I was always afraid of bothering them, so I only ever talked to them through commenting on their art, or asking if so could draw them something. I just attrack friends that aren't really friends? This is why I almost never have the courage to try and be friends with artists, I'm always afraid they'll just think I'm a bother, or assume I'm a kiss-ass and react very mean/rude to me. I do my best to avoid social stuff now, because I'm deathly afraid of people, or atleast conflict with people. It just seems so hard to just actually go talk things out with people nowadays, because when someone has a problem, they just toss you aside instead of saying they have a problem. Which really sucks, because most often, it's just an honest mistake, or someone seeing the situation the wrong way.

I've lost another friend after such a short amount of time from losing the oldest and best friend I've ever had... I have a feeling I'll never get to heal the way this is going. I sure hope I'm wrong, I don't want to want to regress to socialphobia and become a recluse because of the crappy choices I've seemed to have made in friends most of my life! I really want to believe this person is still a sweetheart, and it's just a really bad luck with a misunderstanding. I really can't think this person could have just found me annoying and was looking for a reason to drop me. Maybe I'm too optimistic right now, but it definitely helps it all break my heart less than it should... ; x;


To those who felt like reading all of this whiney bull, thank you for caring enough to read, even though you didn't have to~ Y uY <3

Why even still show the art if... [depressed]


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    It's an effect of our society being entirely "disposable" nowadays, really. Everything and everyone is disposable and can be replaced at will, so why bother ever trying to learn how to work things out? I lost a precious person in my life a few years ago because they didn't tell me anything until it was too late. Friend is a very fragile word that seems to have lost its true meaning along the way, too. If someone has a problem with you but they're not willing to tell you, just move on; they're never worth the emotional stress and guessing games in the end. They'll just use you as a punching bag over time.

    Artists also aren't... particularly known for being well developed socially. Plenty are, but it'd be folly to say there doesn't exist a significant portion who are in need of some critical development. Sometimes that manifests in harmless ways, and sometimes it doesn't. We all are always growing as people, however, and we will until our time is up.

    Just keep on doing what you're doing, and hopefully you find value and self worth in your actions towards others. If others don't respond positively or at least fairly to you, that's their loss.

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      I never thought of it that way, that actually makes a whole lot of sense! :o

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    I had almost this exact same problem. u_u There was someone I deeply admired and wanted to be friends with. I did fanart for them, and then I screwed up by asking if I could do a very specific piece of fanart for them. I guess asking to do intimate pieces is a no-no... They have ignored me ever since. I've pretty much stopped myself from reaching out to most people now. Learned my lesson. Never gonna bother trying to reach out to someone again. ;^;

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      I'm so sorry you've been through all that, and I feel you whole heartedly, I don't really let anyone new in anymore, either! I hoping someone will come along and give me hope again, though~ ; w; hugs tight

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    I feel and understand you on this one... a lot . However I can say that from what I've seen you are a really sweet and awesome person, and you don't deserve to be ignored. I really hope things be better hun ; w ; chin up

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      Thank you so much, sweetie~ I'll try my best! ; ω; <3333

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    I understand how you feel... I recently lost two friends who I thought would never leave me behind. One was my "best friend" of nine years; she 'left me' because I didn't agree with how she was treating people. The other was one of my best guy friends.... he left me behind due to his new girlfriend, despite saying he would never do that to any of his friends. It hurts. And it hurts even more when you try so hard to keep them in your life but they still treat you like shit. I'm sorry you're going through this. Know you're not alone and that I'm/we're here for you.