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BLFC 2014 Meme! by Idess

It's creeping up fast, and with a lack of any art updates lately I figured I'd at least do this, in case anyone has forgotten I existed ;P

Main con hotel, Grand Sierra Resort

Arriving LATE Thursday night (like midnight), leaving Sunday afternoon. Short trip!

Means of transportation

Sharing a room with
Just Charlie and myself this time :)

Who do you hang out with?
Hopefully a lot of cool people!

Do you have an artist table?
I will have a table in the Marketplace, yes! Map/Location hasn't been posted yet.

What will you be offering at your table?
Since it's Marketplace and not Dealers my offerings will be a bit more limited. I'll be selling mini prints, magnets, art packs, and maybe some other odds and ends. No Digital art this con, but I will be doing at-con graphite badges and sketches!

How much do you charge?
Sketch Badges are $15 and sketches are $20; merch is usually cheap and prices marked ;)

Do you take commissions?
Yep, sketches and sketch badges only this con! No take-home work either, still working on FC stuff!

Do you do trades?
Sometimes, maybe not this con though, we'll see.

Are you a Fursuiter?

Do you drink?
Not alcohol!

Can I buy you a drink?
No thanks!

Do you smoke?

Are you attending any panels?
None on the schedule really struck my interest but maybe :)

How can I find you?
I am most likely going to be at my Marketplace table a majority of the day during the con, but thanks to the Marketplace's temp status, I get to make my own hours and I can't promise I'll be there regular Dealers hours! I'll be there when I don't have anything else to do, but may pack up and leave to go fursuiting, attend events, etc. I imagine the con isn't enormously big though, and I'm sure if you know what I look like and look for me, you'd find me!

What's your goal for the con this year?
I'm hoping to have a good mix of a working-con and a vacation-con at BLFC! I'm excited to try this new-to-me convention that I've heard such GREAT things about, and participate in the fun activities there, but I also need to be realistic and try to make up my costs of going. Honestly, if I could just pay for our hotel and plane tickets (break even), and enjoy the rest of my time suiting and having fun with friends, I'd be a very happy dog! :)

BLFC 2014 Meme!


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    LOL I like your answer on if you're a fursuiter
    Also, have a fun and safe trip =)