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Sunday Commission Stream 11am EST by Pinkuh

Ok so today I am going to be doing something a little different. I Am starting a new thing today, that I am hoping will catch on!

On Wednesdays and Sundays every week, I am going to be doing first come first served commissions on a stream. I have never done this before, so it’s looking to be a grand experiment!

These will be simple Small commissions.

Types of commissions Available are as follows:

Simple Sketch: Simple sketch work, with a two tone color This will be 30 bucks

Simple ink: This is a cleaned up linework, also with the two tone color. This will be an extra20 dollars

Flat simple color: This one will be a flat colored version of the inked commission, it is flat with a minimal background. This will be an extra 20 on top of the simple ink price


It is first come first served. If you are there first, you can be the first on my list.

The list will be short. Between 4-5 slots, with an overflow of 2 or so.

If you want a commission, it’s cash in hand. You have to pay before I start. This will have to be through paypal. As soon as it’s in my account I will begin.

You have to be in the stream to hold your spot. If you Exit the stream before I get to your piece, and you are not there when I go to draw it, you will have a 5 minute waiting period, and then I will move on.

The list Re-sets at the end of each session, if I don’t get to you and you were on the list or in the overflow, you will have to be there early next time to try to grab a spot.

These are simple drawings. One character, pinup style images, if you REALLY want more than one, we can discuss it via skype or AIM.

I have the right to refuse to draw something. This means you don’t pay, and I don’t art for you.
Be nice to folks in the stream!


If something comes up with my family, then I will most likely immediately have to stop the stream. If in the event that this happens, the people who were on the waiting list when I had to leave, will be contacted, and they will be first the next time I steam, or I will complete their work on one of the off days. This should be rare.

Sunday Commission Stream 11am EST


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