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Hell Walk/The silly little things in life by Swanda

As most of you probably know I’m working on a webcomic project with Thescatterbrain called “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth” or B.I.B.L.E. for short.
And we’re currently working on the very long story called Rebound, that’s mainly about the heavens, angels and their problems.

Now we have also been working on the script for another story with the working title of “Hell walk”
It's about a damned soul fighting her way out of hell. In essence it’s about Hell, demons and their problems.
Today I happened to read through the script that we have written for this, and I found the first parts named something different; “Kynne er Lilla” meaning “Kynne is purple”.
And it’s basically a very bad joke from waaaaaay back as we were working on our first ever comic project with a third friend.
Doing the scripting of this project I utter; Kynne is purple, quite out of context for the third friend. He must have found it funny because on a later date he said we should totally make a comic called Kynne is purple.

I kid you not, and it’s so really stupid, but part of the reason our second B.I.B.L.E. story ever came to be they way it is.. Is because Kynne is purple.

Silly little things like this make me happy :3

Read Rebound for free here:
Hellwalk cast here: hellwalk-cast

Hell Walk/The silly little things in life


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  • Link

    Aw I love joke things like that c:

    • Link

      There are so many joke things in Rebound already XD
      Sad thing is it's more or less only Thescatterbrain, our close friends and myself who get them.

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    Kynne is indeed very purple and let us always cherish him for that, that poor... poor.. unfortunate soul. Considering all he's done for us we don't treat him very well :I