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Sorry For My Absence by SleepyMonster

Hey guys

Sorry for not responding to comments and notes, I've been sickly since we got back from the con and a few days ago it went full blown sick. I feel like crap, so I've been laying in bed and trying to get better. Once I'm back on my feet I'll make sure to get back to everyone.

Also, I'm feeling rather depressed. Part of it is probably because I'm sick, but I'm not feeling good all around.

Bleh, I'm going to try to sleep. Talk to ya'll later.

Sorry For My Absence


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  • Link

    You throwing up too? That hit today for me.

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      I never threw up, just throat crap, strep probably because that's the sort of medicine the doctor gave me.

      • Link

        Ah, I spent an entire day puking my guts out, but it might have been because of female problems.

  • Link

    Today my fibro hit really bad. I've been managing to hold it off since the con but ugh....and tomorow I leave to camp at a ren faire the entire weekend.
    This might not be good -3-

    • Link

      Oh man that really sucks! I hope you feel better soon!

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    aww D: i hope you get well soon!

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      Thank you! I'm doing a lot better now!

      • Link

        yay! that's wonderful!!