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Fables and Horror Stories comic write up? Help by mangoweasel

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Ok so this is going to sound a bit confusing so Im going to try to make it clear

there are some classes (species if you will) of different characters

there are the Mares

Mares are people that come to people in their sleep and give them nightmares, bad dreams. They believe that they are informing people of the truth and that they need to inform people about these things by scarring them in their sleep. Forever taunted. Mares are given weapons that are meant to kill, (swords maces knives axes etc)

mares normally wear something black, and uniform like

I have two characters so far under this section

a woman who is always undefined in name. She is more or less in charge of this system. She helps initiate people into this team and give them equipment. Her weapon isnt chosen yet, I will work on it later.

the other is Egon, he is a german Jackal that is training the character Hayden. His weapon is a Grosse Messer.

then there are Hazes.

Hazes are a sub to Mares. They are Mares in training, they are dying or are dead (but have to be in some form of coma) that has fallen or persuaded under the Mare. Your soul is tainted and you are depicted as a bad or terrible person. When initiated into this you have to do a trail of bad things, to innocence, to show that you are mature and the controller of truth, also your identity that you were born with is gone and have to follow a theme such as shame, horror, guilt etc and your face will change to personify that. They are given a starter weapon.

they wear tattered filthy rags, or things not considered clothes

I have one character that is under this

Hayden a kangaroo boy. He is denial so his face is covered by a mask. His weapon is a dagger, he is training under Egon.


these are people that have: died, gone insane, in a coma, sometimes sleeping and a Fable/ Mare or subs have taken them out of their normal habitat or have wandered. These are mostly people that are lost or have chosen to stay.Most in the dream realm stay as merchants or connections to the either parties. Though in real life, they are probably dead or comatose.

they wear the clothes they died in

the main focus of the story is an Inbetweener named Samm, a 9 year old girl who has died too young to determine which side she is to choose.

then there are Initiates

Initiates are people training to be Fables, they also come with a weapon but it is not meant to harm or is unorthodox.

they wear clothes like Fables

I have one character named Zak, the austrialian shepard puppy about 13 his weapon is a book.

Then we have Fables

Fables are people that are the casters of good dreams, they give people hope and want to show people hope. They are people that are defined as good souls and have to try to reach the people they are assigned to quicker than the Mares. Also Fables can work in a group, as to Mares where they are selfish and independent and only if it benefits them will they work together of if the unknown woman says so they will. If one is in distress then other fables will zap in and help fight by their side.

they wear white, friendly apparel

I have one character under this category so far and her name is Kristen, a feline that her weapon is a staff. She is training Zak

and finally

my favorite kind is Reactors

Reactors are people that have died because they have lost one of their 5 senses or ability. But using one selected sense they are people that use a tool of their choice to find a reaction that caused a chain leading to someones death upon request.

they usually wear grungy and artistic like clothes

I have two characters that work together under this

Jackey, the rabbit, he is a mute so his mouth is stitched together. He died because he call for help when he was beaten to death. He uses the sense of touch to help him find things, his item to help him is his gloves. He is also a bit of a silent perv

Ciar, the coyote, he lost his sense of smell. He died from carbon dioxide poisoning. He uses the sense of smell to help him find the chain. His item is a bottle of cologne.

Mkay now that that is out of the way

the focus is Samm and well I dont want to giveee toooo much away so Ill just write up the intro first pages

[Samm, a 9 year old girl follows a butterfly when she's sitting on the porch, before sh leaves she shouts] "Hey im going out for a walk [now walking an anonymous voice shouts] "Be back for lunch!"

[She responds to something along the lines of ok, then continues following the bug. Each panel shows a different sitting during different time of the day. Ecentually she stops on the rail road tracks, by then its twillight and the butterfly lands on her finger. She is happy and fasinated my the by the black and white creature. the tracks vibrate, butterfly flies away. She looks up and notices its getting dark, but spots the bug and continue following it down the tracks not realizing whats happening. The vibrations get louder and harder, she falls and the butterfly is no where to be found. She looks back and a train choo's. Black. Then the last panel shows the butterfly on her shoe.]

and that is all Im willing to reveal! >B3

Fables and Horror Stories comic write up? Help


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    smell Im herp derping, his Ciars is the sense of sight, his is a telescope