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On Voidwalkers by Avytrix

Species: Voidwalker
Alignment: Order
Domain: Void

Voidwalkers are one of the number of cosmic species of probabilitykin. They act as somewhat as an antithesis to probability sphinxes. Their specialty is, unsurprisingly, void and uncreation.

As with most other probabilitykin, voidwalkers are capable of changing size and shape. However, they are limited in shapeshifting to demanifesting and remanifesting parts of their own bodies. They often use this ability defensively, to hide or avoid attacks before remanifesting to counter an opponent.

Their demanifestative abilities do not end at the edge of their masks. They have the ability to pull voids and black holes out of space, and are capable of manipulating the void's density, gravitational pull, and the border of its event horizon. The size of the generated voids/black holes can generally be no larger in diameter than an average human being, but there have been singular, powerful voidwalkers capable of making black holes the size of galaxies. The gaping hole on a voidwalker's chest is a semidormant void. There is a similar void behind their mask.

The real danger of voidwalkers becomes evident when multiple voidwalkers gather. Voidwalkers are rare and nomadic by nature, but are also naturally attracted to each other if they get in close enough proximity (about 50 light-years). The powers of voidwalkers increase exponentially among other voidwalkers, and a gathering of the species usually results in the end for great swathes of a universe. The matter accumulated within the black holes is frozen into primordial bubble universes Order keeps hidden from Entropy's influence. Occasionally Entropy locates one of these universes, but that occurence is rare.

Voidwalkers are Order-aligned. Though these quiet and pensive creatures believe themselves to have free will, they are called upon by Order whenever Order sees fit to wipe anything too chaotic from the multiverse. Voidwalkers have, unwillingly, ended many a great race that developed too quickly and failed to gain the life-saving attention of Entropy. The voidwalkers are largely aware of this manipulation, and many feel sorrowful for their board-wiping despite their alignment.

Some of the other species of probabilitykin, particularly those Entropy-aligned, believe the voidwalkers to be a traitorous mockery of Entropy; black holes are one of the trademarks of Entropy, and to have them turned against Entropy is an unforgivable insult. Voidwalkers are often hunted down by Entropy-aligned probabilitykin for this reason.


Voidwalkers are pure white in color, excepting their masks, their voids, a few accessory protrusions, and occasionally reddish markings. They are generally sexipedal, but are perfectly capable of lifting themselves onto their hind legs. They have no gender or reproductive means, though they may identify with a gender, and are at the mercy of other probabilitykin to create more of their kind -- it is unfortunate for them that that mercy is very hard-found.

On Voidwalkers


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