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Banned FA account help by Majatek

I'm not proud of what I was back on FA, and I've pretty much reinvented myself since then. People once knew me as "RamboFox", but that alias and behaviour that I displayed on that account represents my 15 year old self.

I'm no longer 15. I'm also no longer "RamboFox".

I would like to wipe my gallery, journals, and any other information on FurAffinity, but because that account is permanently suspended I can't manually do the wiping process myself because none of the features work due to my account being permanently suspended.
I sent an email nearly 2 years ago asking for the recorded instances that warranted my suspension as well as a request for discussing the terms of my suspension - but with no response. Nearly 2 days ago I sent them another email which has also been ignored thus far.

If I do not see this resolved as soon as possible, I will be forced to file a privacy complaint and/or a DMCA as I do not want my content hosted on FurAffinity any longer.

This is where you, as the reader come in: Please help someone who's turned himself around to burn bridges with the dumb crap that he had in his past by notifying a moderator on FA and request for all my content (journal and submissions) to be removed. Otherwise I fear that I will continue to be ignored, and my past will continue to taint any future I might have.


Banned FA account help


Journal Information



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    That is awfully cold...

    They somehow unban a guy who scammed artists out of hundreds of dollars worth of commissions, but they won't unban someone who simply pissed off a fatfur?

    I hope someone will be able to help you Maja. I like that you are growing up into a more mature chap.

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      Well apparently I have a "long list of misdemeanours" - but they're not willing (or unable) to provide that evidence, so I don't care about getting unbanned anymore. I just don't want my content on that website any longer. I've waited too long for an explanation. If they don't follow through with my request, I will be forced to file a DMCA takedown order and/or a privacy complaint. I'm fed up with their incompetence as nothing has been done thus far.

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        What is a DMCA takedown order anyways? I never heard of it.

        Whatever it is, I hope it is enough to get them to listen. If Allan was able to get unbanned somehow after a few hours of random chatter, you should be able to get your content taken off with effort.

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          It's basically a takedown request that by law must be complied with.

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    thank u had the same flipping problem

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    I'm 15 now and was banned but I want all my content removed from FA And I have no one to help me I don't know what to do.

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      That's what I want to know too - I've sent emails to the administration team and they've all been but ignored. :\