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Pokemon TF Comic Sale Ending by Fawkes_Fenrium

Special thanks to all those who bought a comic this month, you really helped out! The Last chance to buy is now. Sale ends at 11:59PM USCT. That's in 4hr20min.

If you have already seen your preliminary sketch, or I have posted it here as a WIP, I will not have a weekend off in March to do the art as a Livestream, but I will be trying to work during spare time throughout the month.

If you have not seen the sketch WIP at all, I am sorry, but I do have them here. (There should only be 2 of you. Again, I am sorry.)

This month has been a real kick in the tail, but it looks like things are finally smoothing out, and should be handled come April.

March is looking to be BIG. LVC and our game dev team is selling it's IP for a RPG; we are hoping to get enough money to cover the expenses of hiring 120 new staff members over the next year. If you are a Programmer/Artist/Composer and you live in Alabama or Western Georgia, (Tennessee/Florida/and Mississippi will be considered) and you are interested in working on video games and movies. We should begin hiring in April. We will accept volunteers for the project until then, and they will have a preferred space in our hiring process.

I personally have Jury Duty starting March 3rd, so no sale for March. I am going to use any spare time I have to draw other work, and work on commissions from the laptop.

Thanks again to all you fine furs. I'll see you next month!

Pokemon TF Comic Sale Ending


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