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My computer is officially biting it. by Kraest

Well, that's it. My computer is probably not going to last until the end of the day. I'm doing an emergency backup of all of my creations, my art, music, and writings.

Fucking hell...I need these commissions to get this new computer, but I can't do these commissions unless I get a new computer.

This one is crashing when I try to move a single file, and right now I'm trying to back up 61 gigs of my creations.

If I lose these creations of mine, I will have lost the last ten years worth of my art, music, and writings.

I'm...actually really freaking out right now. My computer is my livelihood. I need it to make money, but I can't make money with this computer, because it's almost dead.

If you want to commission me, I'm going to ask that you pay up front and be patient for a little while. I keep logs of who has commissioned me, so you won't be lost if you do.

If you don't have enough for a commission, but still want to help, feel free to pass this around for anyone else who might be able to.

If you don't want a commission, but still want to help, my PayPal address is

My computer is officially biting it.


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    This is why I am obsessive about backing up stuff every month onto DVD's & thumb drives. You never know when your computer is going to have a seizure and die. I learned the hard way. I have lost entire collections that took me years to get. Fuck that noise.