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GAME OF THRONES BADGES! In Association with Furry Con! by RamTheDragon

Oh my god I have been DYING to post this, and although it's a day early I just had to or I was going to explode. The reason I have been shutting down commissions is because I am opening for

For info and examples CHECK HERE

Can't wait until April for the show to start again? Have an OC you always wanted to see drawn? Did you always wanted to cosplay Jon Snow but don't have that beautiful, beautiful afro? NOW YOU CAN!

But here is the best part. If you have been a regular FA lurker you might've noticed a banner promoting Furry-Con A Game Of Conchairs, and I am super happy to announce they are promoting my work. In exchange ANY PERSON WHO ORDERS A BADGE AND IS GOING TO FURRY CON GAINS AUTOMATIC PRIORITY ON THE LIST

What is Furry Con though? I've never heard of them.

Well Furry Con is a relatively new con located in Rochester New York organized mainly by Soron the panda and Etheras the fennec fox. They are better known for the Frozen Oasis parties fame.
Their focus is a 21+ con that is very ingrained in it's theme, something that I absolutely love, and by chosing Game Of Thrones the possibilities are just incredible.
There is also a game going on, in which you can earn points to eventually become the next ConChair! How incredible is that?
Other incredible things they are doing include: Fursuit games, wine tasting, A PROPER IRON THRONE PROP, a spectacular and free frozen themed drinks! There will also be some great panels like Fursuit Maintenance, Long distance Relationships and How To Make it Work and Why I hate The Fandom.

If you are wondering where to go in memorial weekend (May 8th to 11th) go to Furry Con! I would LOVE to go but a) I am several thousands of miles away and b) I am only SLIIIGHTLY underage. So maybe next year! Because they plan on keeping the theme for at least 2 more years.

For more info and registration check here! They even have a podcast that details everything they are up to! They still need conbook material, panelists, staff, anything you want to suggest you can let them know!

But another cool thing they have proposed that my badges will be printed on the conbook, so yes** YOU CAN POTENTIALLY BE IN THE FURRY-CON CONBOOK AS YOUR FAVORITE GOT CHARACTER.**

So yeah! I am incredibly excited and cannot wait to make a load of cool badges for all of you!

GAME OF THRONES BADGES! In Association with Furry Con!


Journal Information
