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Unpopular Opinion Time by DarkRyuukin

Or so some will probably think, where as I'm just honestly trying to get an answer
Why do Trans sonas exist?
If you believe you're a male in a female body, why would your sona not just... be a guy?
Or vice versa
Like its actually sort of confusing to me, but you know, whatever floats peoples boats I guess
If anyone has any insight, that'd be great

Unpopular Opinion Time


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    For some people, it's a part of accepting their identity. And some people are less dysphoric about their biological bodies than others. Kind of like how some trans*men are okay with vaginal intercourse and some aren't. There's a lot of variance.

    And of course, then you get the people who fetishize intersex conditions/transformations, hence you get cuntboys and dickgirls and herms, but that's a whole other can of worms.

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      Yeah my only thought process was if they wanted porn, maybe they wanted it to be anatomically correct, but who knows, cause for example Ryuukin's a dude, and I prefer seeing him, even explicitly nude, as a male. And he is me. Idk.

      Oh goodness, yeah, friend of mines all over that stuff. I know the whole weird side of that too