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Parties and Passings by Lorestel

So... just a couple days after being back from FurFright, I had to go on another trip. My grandma hadn't been doing so well lately, and her birthday was on the 4th. Her doctors were pretty certain she had cancer and didn't think she'd live another year.

In which case, we were gonna make sure that her birthday party would be a good one. I took a greyhound bus down to my hometown to meet up with my parents and head out with them towards Minnesota. Headed up there. It was about a 12 hour trip. There, we spent some time with my grandma, just chatting and what not.

I was impressed still with how active and sharp her mind was, even after having another heart attack earlier this year. We all chatted about current topics, as well as of course many of my mother's older, fonder memories of when she was a child. Grandma's memory was still really good. Able to recall small details on many of those subjects. Sometimes I had to wonder if her memory at her age was better than mine. lol

Anyways, we did that, headed to our motel for some sleep, and then the next day we had the party. It had a huge turnout. Tons of relatives all showed up to celebrate my grandma's 96th birthday. :)

We had a pot luck meal and chatted it up with everyone, more memories being shared. Eventually, the cameras came out and we took turns taking pictures with grandma. Much of the time, people would still be joking over old stories while standing with grandma for a few pictures. It really was a fun time.

Once the party raveled to an end, we took grandma back to her room, and then followed up by taking our leave. My parents and I still had to at least make it part of the way home that very evening.

A car ride, a motel, some bad weather in North Dakota, and another car ride later, and we were back at my parents' place. There, we celebrated my mother's birthday. It's funny how her birthday is the day after her mother's birthday. lol

Anyways, I made steaks for all of us. Mom got to open some presents. Things were good.

Well, just a few hours ago we received a phone call. My grandma passed away.

Both my mom and I have had a good cry at this point. We aren't sure what's going to happen next. We knew my grandma was going to be passing away, but we figured it'd still be a few months down the line. Guess she was just holding on for that one last party.

My grandma Irene was a wonderful person. I'd like you all to know that. She was kind and creative and held a great love for her family and friends. May she rest in peace.

Parties and Passings


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