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Commission delays by autogatos

This is more for people waiting for me to reopen, since I've emailed all my current commissioners directly already.

A few people have been inquiring about when I will be reopening for commissions, and I told them I will as soon as I finish up my current queue. I had hoped to have that done by this week, but unfortunately I unexpectedly had to go to the hospital last week and again this past weekend due to kidney stones, so I've gotten a bit behind on commission work. I've been in pretty severe pain the past several days and while I do have painkillers, I don't feel I can do my best work while on them. The pain is starting to improve today so I am hoping I can get back to work soon.

I'll still be reopening for commissions as soon as I complete the current ones, it just may be a bit longer. Thank you all so much for your patience!

Comment, email, and note replies have also been a bit delayed because of all of this. It'll take me a bit to get caught up on all of that, my apologies.

Commission delays


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