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Art Update by Kura

So it's been a while since I've been active artwise, and I apologize for that. Though I have been doing the best I can to get the comic pages out I have unfortunately been falling behind in commissions, asks, livestreams, and well, almost anything drawing related. Heck even in comment responses, hangouts and chats I've been rather absent.

As you may or may not know by now, I get really bad pain flair ups when stressed, and with my bro's cat STILL not breathing properly and only wanting to eat every few days on me it's getting pretty stressful, I will not bore you by going into detail with that, just know that it's getting more and more frustrating by the day because I'm constantly struggling with myself because I don't know if he's fighting to stay with us or if I'm prolonging his suffering by doing things in an attempt to keep him with us.

In addition to that I seem have damaged my drawing arm, though it seems to be doing better now for almost a week I was not able to draw anything without causing me extreme amounts of pain, it's doing a little bit better now, but seems like I can only draw for about an hour before it starts aching again... so yeah, none of my long 8 - 12 hour live streams until that clears up again x.x as well as very few pictures from me for a while =(

On a positive note I have been working on novel chapters during my drawing downtime, so expect to see few of those coming out soon.

On an additional positive note March is almost upon us, meaning it is both the comic version of Raven's Wolf's anniversary, and on the 9th my birthday. So hooray for another mile stone in my work and damn it I'm getting older.

Anyway, that's it for now, wish I had more exciting or positive stuff ta give ya all, but for now I will focus on getting better and doing what I can do.

Art Update


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