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Arithmetics and DOTA 2 by DeRiften

I'm... not tired, actually :P. I got out of my first arithmetic and data structures class much, much, much earlier than expected, and for pretty unique reasons. Well, first this morning at 10:00am I had an appointment at the bank to open a new account since I don't really want to travel two hours to my old bank each time I want new blank checks. I went there, opened it, filled all the paperwork, got my blank checks and initiated transfers so I can close my old account but it should take till next month since I have to wait for my new debit card to arrive before I can even take an appointment with the Programme Reussir guy to give him a blank check, and I also need to take an appointment with the college's financial aid department but they don't seem to have any free time this week so that's gonna wait too.

And hot damn it is COLD today. Like, crazy cold. The weather site says it's only -18C but that's complete bullshit, the freezing wind easily doubles that; it really pierces your bones and freezes you on the spot unless you keep moving. Thankfully, the bank is connected to the mall so I didn't have to go outside again to get to the grocery store and buy what few things I had to buy, but once I was done, lemme tell you I hurried back to the warmth of my home where I unboxed my new aluminum oven thingies to clean up that smoking monster once and for all since I'm sick of triggering the smoke detector every single day (even though there's literally no smoke around; it doesn't even smell like it). Later that afternoon, I tested it out by making some pesto & parmesan pasta with sirloin meatballs (delicious, of course) and surprise, it didn't trigger it! Heck, I even cooked with the garage door closed and oven fans off just to tease the finicky smoke detector to the max but nope, it shut up.

So I ate and went to freeze outside for a bit before the bus arrived to take me to my first arithmetic and data structures class. Class started at 6:00pm and... I was already waiting for the bus at 7:20pm; a real joke. My teacher is a complete nerd, even though he doesn't look like it. He wears real high pants, a shirt with vertical stripes and gelled his hair in a vertical pattern... he's not even anywhere NEAR being small so why the hell does he try so hard to look even taller @_@. He also said he didn't really have time to plan the class since he'd been too busy playing DOTA 2 so he just Googled a quick premade plan and modified it a bit but he couldn't put it on the college's site 'cause he forgot his password. So we began by introducing ourselves, which is funny since he didn't introduce himself, and every time someone said they played DOTA 2 too, he'd ask 'em to tell him their username after the class so they could have a game sometimes.

After that came the real class and... well it should technically be the hardest class since it's basically maths for programmers except that instead of solving math problems, you have to solve programming problems. Twist is, it's all theoretical so you never actually code; you just THINK about how the hell you could do what the problem tells you to do, and try to solve its loopholes, find the missing details and try to rationalize how to transfer what's in your head in your compiler and that's why that class is so useful. It teaches you to plan your program ahead instead of wasting hours on it before finding out you're in a deadend and should have done things differently.

But yeah, the teacher was surprised how much previous experience the class had in programming as we breezed through his four hours worth of exercises within an hour, so he didn't really know what to do and didn't have a choice but to let us go... not before mentioning that he couldn't really complain because that meant extra DOTA 2 for him tonight.

Arithmetics and DOTA 2


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