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Help My Mate & I Out Of A Bad Situation! Please. by CoffinCadaver

I know I owe work & bracelets to some people, I have my

list of to do's so I haven't forgotten... Things have gotten really bad

for my mate & I.

Currently our 2 friends Brandi & Joe are going to be talking to their landlord to see about her helping us

move into the complex as soon as possible because of our living

conditions now are not improving along with a friend who is our landlord

being two-faced.

I have been stomaching our living situation for 2 years now... been

living at the location for 4 years total. First two years were a great

time. The duplex was not in that bad of condition, but after 3-4 years

of having a leaky roof and very little insulation, the conditions have


Last night, in light of another incident I have come to realize how

two-faced my friend/landlord is... She claims to be my mate & I's

friend, to care for us, but if you see my prior journal:

It gives a brief understanding of the incident that "Woke Me Up" persay...Suki-Dono was one of them who warned me... People had warned me about morgan for

quite sometime, but I give people a benefit of a doubt, But I got burned

for the last time & I am tired of it.

She plays nice to your face because you are paying her money, but when

she wants to she will turn into a all out bitch...throw low verbal

blows, be nasty & cruel to you. Like the incident stated in the

journal above, when all the horrible things were happening to me, she

was usually there, sitting, laughing about it and doing nothing. But I

forgave her and moved on until now.

She is doing nothing to repair or winterize our apartment or the duplex

we live in. We really have no money and I really can't ask people on

here to donate to us, cause 1 no one will, and I owe art and bracelets

to people so I can't exactly do anything....Though we would like to see

if you all could or would.

Our apartment is freezing cold, breezes coming through the edges around

windows, there is cracks and holes in our ceiling where the ceiling is

leaking from rain, Im scared of how it will be after this winter.. we

have to sit buckets under the ceiling of our bay windows cause it leaks,

my landlord went up and put a tarp over the damages on the roof till

they got the supplies to resurface the roof which they have purchased it

all now, its sitting in the side yard now... so the living room doesn't

leak but there is a big hole in our ceiling covered with plastic. I

know there has to be mold up in the roof/ceiling of our apartment, cause

we are constantly getting sick, yet she wont do a thing about it, also,

if we report her she will throw us out.

She didn't give us a legit legal lease, so we really don't have a legal document and probably cant do much anyway...

our kitchen roof leaks some now to where a wall is warped... we have a

very small kitchen, carpet floor, with a small sink... dishes are a

nightmare, our fridge is basically a mini fridge with a freezer that has

died on us once and the handy man has fixed it so it works for now...

we had to get carpet so that the landlord would rip up the nasty smoke

& dog dander smelling carpet up that was there due to the man who

lived up there before us having 4 dogs up there, spilling beer and

smoking.. I mean we smoke but they were non stop... but yeah... we pay

500$ a month all utilities included for this place.

We are only allowed to have friends over twice a month because "its

extra on the utilities"...if the drunken neighbor who is the "handyman"

who constantly peaks out his windows when we come home will snitch to

morgan and I get a rude phone call from her about it...

yet the "handyman" or the other tennant in the duplex who is also a

trans-man & morgans obvious favorite can have their friends &

fuck partners over whenever they want and wont be yelled at.

our landlord has keys to our apartment and walks in freely. No notice at we cant clean up in time so we get yelled at again! We were

harassed until we made the handy man copy of our apartment keys... there

is a security camera on the front porch that the "handyman" watches

constantly... the hallway stairs that come down from our apartment to

his door & front door stinks of dirty along with smoke and dog like

the apartment did when we moved in...

I know I owe art and jewelry to people, but please, PLEASE, we are

seriously needing help, I know that my journals really dont mean much to

you all... but we seriously need to raise some money by donations or if

anyone would like to hold auctions to help us out it would be amazing.

Don't know how much we really need, but we need to raise some. Least a

$100 or so...if that will happen...

My wife & I both work, but I just started my job and I don't really

get many hours...Until we can get a bit of money going and see what our

friends landlord says tomorrow, the money my mate currently brings in

will have to go towards rent to this shit hole until we can get out...

Pimp this journal out to your friends, if you would like to host a

auction or something to raise money for us it would be greatly

appreciated. We see journals alot of people seeking help moving, or

getting pets to the vets or fixing their car... they usually get help

from their fellow furs. may we?

Our paypal: inf3ctedcadaver[at]

We don't have to live like this!

Help My Mate & I Out Of A Bad Situation! Please.


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