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Do you know Director Technical? by wakewolf

If you do, please ask that question I am asking.

RIght now, I'm working as Technical Director for student media organization. We hired four camera operators and editors. Every night, my job is come to check the office to make sure it's clean before go to dorm.

Every day, someone left the office on. Someone left camera on the table and plugged to computer while no one is around. Someone left the camera on and I felt it heating. Someone left water bottle or few food on the table that I told them no food or drink on the table with the computers. Only table without computers are fine to have food and water.

Also, director come to me and asked me to shooting the interview tomorrow because two camera operator didn't respond (other two is scheduled with classes) and I should have a meeting with Video Productor in college technical service. He was willing to give me the intern to gain more experience for media organization. But now, I have to postpone that meeting to do shooting for the interview. AND I will do editing after shooting.

We will have all crew/officers meeting this Tuesday, I want to yell at them for being not responsibility. Mostly for camera operators and editors. But that's not my role to yell, what will I do? Set up the paper to sign in and sign out for film equipment? Being there to make sure crews are doing their work? I'm pretty disappointed in them but they are...inexperience.

Yes, they are getting paid for work. That's why we MUST to be serious with our work, even if academic come first.

If anything don't change for week, I might talk to Productor to fire them, or not get them paid for not do great work. What do you think about its situation?

Do you know Director Technical?


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