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FWA 2014 Prep by Bethany

Yep, finally gonna get to attend FWA this year, and I couldn't possibly be more excited about it! I've been polishing up my Weasyl profile in preparation, making sure all my recent pieces have been uploaded and updating my watchlist, etc. I've also updated all of my contact information so people can stay in touch with me before/during/after the convention!

A few key notes about me and FWA 2014:

  • I'll be arriving on March 19th sometime in the morning/afternoon, and will be staying at the Westin Peachtree for the duration of the con. I'll be rooming with the rest of the W.A.G.S group, so you shouldn't have trouble finding me too far from one of those lovely peoples. :P

  • I'm mostly going to be hanging around wherever my group gravitates. This will most likely be a rotating combination of Artist's Alley, the Dealer's Den, various food places, and our hotel room. There's no official agenda for us to my knowledge, so we'll just play it by ear.

  • I'll probably be on the lookout two commission a piece or two while I'm there, depending on what sort of deals I happen upon, and how much available funds will allow. I definitely wanna see about getting another icon or two.

  • While I know we'll all be having a blast and enjoying ourselves, please note that I am not particularly fond of being put on the spot, randomly hugged, groped, or cornered in any manner. If I don't know you that well, please be respectful and mindful of my personal space. I'm all for meeting new people and forging new friendships, just be polite and non-intrusive, please! :3

All of that said and out of the way, I'm really looking forward to this trip. I'm way overdue for an actual vacation, and haven't attended a con since AC 2012.

See you there in Atlanta!

FWA 2014 Prep


Journal Information

