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Back to the furry world. by Hikarion

Hmm, first of all : hello ! I guess...

I'm not very good at writing in a journal. Maybe because I'm a person more into drawing than writing. Oh well, I hope I won't bore you with this entry...

So, as the title says, I'm back to the furry world. Yeah, back.
Maybe my nick doesn't ring a bell to you; when I was on FurAffinity, I was known as Marun.
Some may know me, some don't... And I bet a lot of you don't, hehehe.

So, why do I come back to the furry world? I don't even know myself. I guess that's because I'm beginning to draw again, after almost one year without even sketching good things. I'm drawings hands, feet, bodies, heads (furry ones, of course).
My mind is filled with stories to be told, with characters to create, to interact,...

Now that my life will go at a slower pace, I'll be able to do so (or so I hope).

Well, here's what I wanted to say, sorry if it's a little bit messed up, I told you I'm not good with writing. :P

Stay tuned, drawings are coming. ^^

Back to the furry world.


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  • Link

    Welcome back. :) You chose a good spot to land in, I think!

    • Link

      Thank you! Well only time will tell but I think I did. ;)

      • Link

        Haha, I'm probably a liiiiitle biased, but I wouldn't give my time to this site if I didn't think it was worth it. I like going through the journals and saying hi to people, because we're getting a pretty big influx of new users. Being able to browse journals is one of our more awesome features. Hopefully all works out well for you here!

        • Link

          Going through all the journal entries? Wow, that's really something! :) But I'm happy that someone is doing it; this makes this site more warm. ^^