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Dying sucks! Update of sorts... by tailisup

Yea, I'm kinda sorta dying right now? My heart is giving out and until next month I can't even see a doctor about it. Already had a heart attack that landed me in the hospital for a few hours before being let go with a "see a doctor" order. @~@

Anyway, because of this, and the constant "Fuck am I dying NOW?" feelings and the headaches, chest pains, etc., art has kind of slowed to a crawl. I have the urge to draw but I can't really focus on it nor even sit here long enough to do anything. :/

So much for 2014 being a good year, eh?

Anyway, there it is. Arting has slowed to a crawl due to imminent death.

Dying sucks! Update of sorts...


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    Holy shit, why is it going to take a month to see someone? I can only partially empathize; I was born with a congenital heart defect, and while I always have to keep an eye on it, it's not something like this.

    I'm sorry that you have to go through this. I can't really offer any truly comforting words, but I acknowledge your existence and will be hoping for the best.

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      My medical plan expired so I don't have coverage. I was enrolled in another one that has better coverage that starts on the 1st of March. Already looking for doctors so that I can make an appointment ASAP.

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    Holy fuck. hugs the fuck out of you
    Try not to die on me, okay?

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    Sorry you're going through this. I may not know you but I've enjoyed your art. Art like yours makes me smile and I'm sure that it makes many others smile as well so hang in there and take care of yourself.