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TFF Meme! (Finally xD) by Tolka

Q: Where are you staying?
A: Con hotel

Q: When will you be arriving and leaving?
A: Friday afternoon and Sunday afternoon. (stupid classes >8U)

Q: Who will you be rooming with?
A: Shink! c:

Q: Where will you be most of the time during the day/s?
A: Fursuiting literally everywhere, or in the Dealers Den. xD

Q: What/where will you be eating?
A: Springcreeeeek, and who knows where else~

Q: Will you be having a room party?
A: Nope.

Q: Will you be drinking and/or getting drunk?
A: Lolnoooo.


Q: What is your gender?
A: Ladyparts.

Q: How tall are you?
A: 5'8"

Q: If I approach you, will you chat with me?
A: Of course! C: As long as you aren't being creepy.

Q: If I see you, how should I get your attention?
A: Screech at me. Make pterodactyl noises. Like seriously if one of you doesn't do this I will be sorely disappointed.

Q: How many furry conventions have you attended?
A: Four after this one~

Q: Do you own a fursuit?
A: Yes I do! C: Look for the skinny grey fluff that never stops moving.


Q: Can I hug or snuggle with you?
A: Yes! Hugs all around! :D No snuggles though~

Q: How can I find you?
A: Look for the grey fluffy. Or make pterodactyl noises and I WILL FIND YOU.

Q: Can I buy you drinks?
A: Alcohol? Nope. But you can be my fursuit water lackey if it means so much to you. :'D

Q: Can I look in your sketchbook?
A: I don't carry one oops.

Q: Can I take your picture?
A: Of course!


Q: Do you do do free art, trades, commissions, badges?
A: I do silly doodles for people when I'm in suit sometimes! Just ask me to do one for you. :D

Q: Do you have a table in the Artist Alley / Dealer's Den or a panel in the Art Show? If so, what are you selling?
A: Nope.

Q: Do you plan to volunteer?
A: Nope.

Q: What's your goal for the con this year?
A: to hear pterodactyl calls To meet more people and give out lots of hugs!

TFF Meme! (Finally xD)


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      Ahhhh! Can't wait to see you again! :D