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Fur meme. Fureme. Futurama. by pband1256

Since I haven't got any art I'll make a journal instead owo

  • What made you choose the species of your main fursona?
    Honestly at first I just think raccoons are cute. Over time I discovered that our temperament are strikingly similar, so I just stick with them.

  • Does your fursona have the same personality you have?
    He's basically me. With fur.

  • Does your fursona have the same dislikes and likes as you do?
    Yep, like I said.

  • Does your fursona look like you at all?
    Kind of. Because I don't have furs.

  • Is your fursona the same gender as you, if not why?

  • Do you have more then one main fursona?
    Planning to. But this one is official.

  • Is your fursona mated, if so is it to your real life significant other?
    Yep. This guy. He's unstable and sucks a lot but I can't live without him.

  • If not are they looking for a mate, or are they a swinger so to speak?
    I'm looking for another one that's more reliable. Preferably a digital Western guy.

  • Is there something special about your fursona that you think sets them apart from others?
    I don't know. Seriously I don't. You guess.

  • Do you have much art of your main fursonas?
    Quite a few....but not here.

  • Would you ever consider parting with your main fursona, if so why?
    Yeaaaaaahhhhh, about that, I've been thinkiNOPE. NOPE. NOPE.

  • If you suit, do you have a suit of your main fursona?
    I'm not that into fursuiting, really. I prefer to go undercover.

  • Have you ever roleplayed with your main fursona, or do you prefer not to?
    Actually I just put clothes on him. So far a '30s gentleman, a wardancer and a druid. Everything I want to be.

  • Do you consider your main fursona to be a part of you in any way?
    Pretty obvious isn't it, ahaha

Fur meme. Fureme. Futurama.


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