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I had a WEIRDly awesome dream last night by Seiokou

The dream started with me waking up in labor, and for some reason I thought they were just more contractions or something, cause I went down the hall and got food, and then I went back to bed. A short while later I was giving birth in my own bed, and it didn't hurt much cause I was still half asleep. I gave birth to the quietest little baby girl ever, I nearly thought she was dead when she came out! She was so still and silent, but she was breathing just fine, and when I tickled her tummy she got the biggest smile I've ever seen on a baby's face. Dad told me that he thought I should stay with my baby at Karen's place, and that she could help me out aswell. For some reason not only were they both in my dream, but they were both really nice, like they used to be back when I was really young! And what was even weirder was that I was acting like it was totally normal, like it had been this way all my life!

Later on, I went out to go see some friends and "show off" my new baby to them. I'm assuming this was atleast a few weeks to a month later. On my way to see them, I wound up running into the Doctor, "again"! He was the David Tennant Doctor, and apparently I had met him before from how we were both acting towards eachother. What was even weirder was that he had already knew I had a baby--which btw I still didn't know who the father was apparently--and he was very attached to her right away, and even told me he would be visiting me and the baby alot from now on! It felt so normal with the baby around him, it was so strange. I started to believe that he actually was the father, and what was even cooler was that I didn't know he was a Timelord. Which means Imma be REALLY shocked when I find out I have a time baby for a daughter!When he and I finally parted ways, I continued to this coffee shop and met up with my friends, they were EXSTATIC about my new lil daughter!

As normal to most of my dreams where I have friends, they were all not any friends I have, or know, in real life. After it was time for me to leave, my friend went with me to walk me home since it was getting late, and he was worried abut me and my baby, and we wound up being questioned by these two strange women a few feet from the shop. They asked us what "our times" were, and so we looked at our watches and gave them similar times. They seemed irritated, and I found out it was because their names were actually numbers representing times of the day, and ours were higher than theirs. They proceeded to mumble something about my friend seeing something that was "against the rule" and they started to attack him! We managed to get away after I bit one of them though. For some reason they flipped their shit after I had broken her skin with my teeth, and they both fled, one protecting the "battle wound" of the other.

After that I got curious about what he had seen, so he guided me to this place where it just looked like the walled side of a big bridge. I proceeded to look over the edge, and what I saw was mind boggling. I don't remember most of it at this point, but there was this HUGE field full of damaged cars and wreckage, along with a dog that lived in this field, who was very upset over our presence. My friend then started telling me about how this place was a disaster area long ago that was taken over by a few of the attackers, who kept us unknowing of all this. Basically we were all kept brainwashed and mind controlled, something similar to how the Silence were controlling humans without them even knowing! We later planned on crossing that area to "make everything right" and "regain our freedom", but sadly, I don't really remember much past this point. I only actually remember making it across that huge field, getting attacked by the dog along the way, and finding our way out at some point, and getting picked up by the Doctor at the end, freaking out over the inside of his TARDIS.

I don't remember how we dealt with the dog, or how we got out, or even what and how this solved anything. Hopefully I'll have this dream, or atleast a sequel dream to this one so I'll remember. All in all, a pretty awesome dream! Weird how it skipped time in points where I never heard myself pick my baby daughter's name, or even mention her name once, though.

I had a WEIRDly awesome dream last night


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