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TFF 2014 Meme by BigBlueFox

Stolen from Kryphos' FWA meme and shamelessly changed to an TFF meme!

The main hotel

Arriving on Tuesday and leaving on Monday

Sharing a room with:
Onai and Tillikum

Can I visit your room?
Maybe. Let's talk first. :)

Who do you hang out with:
We'll see. Is that a free beer in your hand?

Where will you be most of the time during the day/s?
Behind a camera!

What/where will you be eating?
I'm living on light snacks and filming. And beer. Hey, is that a free beer in your hand?

Can I come with you for food/fun/etc?
Sure! Hey, is that a free steak in your hand?


How old are you:

1080i50 !

Relationship Status:

Can I kidnap you for Censored:
Whoops! This is what you get for stealing a meme from Kryphos. Hey, is that a free beer in your hand?

Can I take your picture?
In suit! In person feels awkward.

Can I give you stuff?
Free beer? Free steak? Hell yes!

Are you an Artist:

Do you do free art?

Do you do trades?
I don't draw at cons. I prefer to hang and chill.

Do you take commissions?

Are you a Fursuiter:

How many Fursuits are you going to bring/wear:
Only one. Unless you borrow me yours. :D

Which Characters:

Attending parties:
Never on my own. Only if I get invites. Hey, is that a free ticket in your hand?

Do you dance?
Nope, I'm the guy BEHIND the decks. :)

Do you drink:
Yes. Hey, is that a free beer in your hand?

Can I buy you a drink:
Yes! Beer!

How can I find you?
Look out for cameras! Other than that, Twitter might work depending on wifi availability, but I don't go out of my way of trying to stay online. Cons are RL-time!

Are you nice?
Under certain conditions! Hey, is that a free beer....?

If I see you, how should I get your attention?
Hand me a beer!

Are you attending any panels:
Spontaneously. There are some that sound promising, but if I'm distracted by something, I might just skip.... hey, is that a free beer...?

Stage or public performance:
I'm DJing on Saturday night. And I'm assisting in a panel about video.

How do I identify myself to you:
Use your mouth to make those noises that will make me understand you. :)

Rules of engagement:
Kryphos, staaahp!

Personality Type:
Friendly, fun-loving, beer-loving. Hey....!

How do I know if you're not looking to socialize (angry, busy or upset):
If I don't respond after the third try, this might be the case. Or I'm just busy.

Anything to add:
Hey, is that a free beer in your hand?

TFF 2014 Meme


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    Hmmmm After reading this it seems bribes with beer in hand might do something.