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Texas Furry Fiesta Meme by david8029

Q: Where are you staying?
A: Con Hotel

Q: When will you be arriving and leaving?
A: As far as I was told we will be leaving for the con on the 20th and heading back the night of the 23rd.

Q: Who will you be rooming with?
A: My pet mazz, and our friends AlexGoneLoco and pixeledtoast.

Q: Who will you be hanging out with?
A: My pet mazz, and our friends AlexGoneLoco and pixeledtoast. And whoever else we happen to pick up along the way.

Q: Where will you be most of the time during the day/s?
A: Walking around the con.

Q: What/where will you be eating?
A: No clue.

Q: Will you be having a room party?
A: No.

Q: Will you be drinking and/or getting drunk?
A: Probably.


Q: What is your gender?
A: Male

Q: How tall are you?
A: 5'9"

Q: If I approach you, will you chat with me?
A: Sure. I’m a very nice and friendly guy.

Q: If I see you, how should I get your attention?
A: Yell David and then hope the right David turns around.

Q: How many furry conventions have you attended?
A: Only one and the was the last RMFC.

Q: Do you own a fursuit?
A: No. But I would love to own one one day.


Q: Can I hug or snuggle with you?
A: Hugs I don’t mind from either sex. Snuggles…probably not since my pet is very protective of her Owner. Either way please make sure I see you before you try. I don’t need ninjas sneaking up on me. Like many furries I have social issues except mine are amplified from being deployed in the army way to much. Last thing I want to do is accidently attack someone who just wanted a hug. I would feel bad. :-(

Q: How can I find you?
A: Just look for the guy with an army backpack on and a grey tail. Or you can find me by finding the hippy bird following me around.

Q: Can I buy you drinks/food?
A: I don’t see why anyone would buy me stuff but sure. I never turn down free drinks/food.

Q: Can I take your picture?
A: Sure go ahead.

Texas Furry Fiesta Meme


Journal Information



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    Lol you forgot my friend Anjel may be rooming with us if she can make and our friend Glowsheep, he is for sure is floor crashing.

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    It will be great to finally meet you!